Eylin Palamaro Munsell, Ph.D.

Eylin Palamaro Munsell, Ph.D.
UNC Charlotte Advisor: Drs. Ryan Cook and Jim Kilmer
Professional Interests: My main research interests include child and adolescent adjustment, family well-being, sense of community in adverse circumstance, and mixed-methods approaches to program evaluation.
Impressions and Experiences in the Health Psychology Program: Working closely with my advisory committee, I was able to customize my graduate education to fit my interests and professional goals. As a result, I had ample opportunity to gain extensive applied research experience in a variety of settings, teach courses in topics of interest and undertake thesis, comprehensive and dissertation projects that were deeply meaningful to me. These experiences prepared me well for my current position – managing the day to day activities of a multidisciplinary research team.
Geary Institute, University College Dublin, Ireland