Steven Hardy, Ph.D.

Steven Hardy, Ph.D.
UNC Charlotte Advisor: Drs. Amy Peterman, Ryan Kilmer, Andrew Harver
Internship: University of Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital (FL)
Professional Interests: Pediatric psychology, health promotion among childhood cancer survivors, neurocognitive effects of sickle cell disease, breathing disorders and medication adherence in sickle cell disease, and non-pharmacological approaches to pain management
Impressions and Experiences in the Health Psychology Program: I found my time in the Health Psychology Ph.D. program at UNC Charlotte to be a tremendous experience. The program prepared me well for a rigorous clinical internship and helped me develop into a strong candidate for my ideal postdoctoral fellowship. Based on the training I received at UNC Charlotte, I feel prepared to be successful in my clinical work, research, and teaching. I attribute these impressions to a variety of aspects of the Health Psychology program: the program’s interdisciplinary focus, which has made me more comfortable collaborating with professionals in other health-related fields; the rigorous nature of the coursework; exceptional faculty; being encouraged to voice opinions and take ownership over my education and the program; frequent feedback and guidance to ensure my activities align with my goals; and the incredible support I received–and continue to receive–from the faculty and my peers.
Children’s National Medical Center (Washington, D.C.)