
Charlie Reeve, PhD

Psychological Science

Research Interests: Application of the quantitative methods of the science of mental abilities to better understand how individual differences in intellectual capacities influence health, health behavior and religious beliefs; psychometrics (i.e., measurement theory).

Victoria Scott, PhD, MBA

Associate Professor/Co-Coordinator of Community Concentration
Psychological Science

Research Interests: As a community psychologist, I work across settings and ecological levels (e.g., individual, program,organizational, community) to promote collective wellness using strength-based approaches. I have a background in clinical-community psychology and business, and particularly enjoy projects that involve interdisciplinary collaboration. My interests relate primarily to capacity building and the processes involved in spreading capacities […]

Dr. Aimee Smith

Assistant Professor
Psychological Science
Colvard 4048

Research Interests: Dr. Smith is a pediatric psychologist (clinical child psychologist) and researcher of pediatric chronic illness management and impact. Specifically, her program of research focuses on three areas: 1) using community-based participatory research to emphasize patient and family voice of those who are marginalized and routinely underserved in medical and mental health settings, 2)medication […]

Shannon Sullivan, PhD


Research Interests: Critical philosophy of race, critical whiteness studies, feminist philosophy, the physiological effects of racism and sexism.

Michael Turner, PhD

Associate Professor

Research Interests: Cardiovascular function, physical activity and aging. Specifically, my laboratory is working to understand the mechanisms influenced by regular physical activity that impact the functioning of our aging hearts. The mechanisms that influence the age-related decline in physical activity is also a large area of study for my laboratory. Lastly, my laboratory is investigating […]

Jennifer B. Webb, PhD

Associate Professor
Psychological Science

Research Interests: Our research program studies the positive psychology of eating, body image, and weight among ethnically-diverse women across the lifespan (e.g., during college, pregnancy, and the postpartum). Our lab integrates mixed methods and our work is grounded in the confluence of multicultural, feminist, functional contextualist, compassion-focused, embodiment, and Health at Every Size® philosophical perspectives. […]