Shaina Glass

Shaina Glass
Hometown: Waxhaw, NC
- B.S. in Psychology, summa cum laude, from University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Undergraduate Certificate in Game Design and Development from University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Advisor: Dr. Doug Markant
Program Track: Behavioral Science
Research Interests: My research interests are on both the basic and applied sides of psychology research. I am interested in understanding the role of cognitive mechanisms in health outcomes, such as decision-making, cognitive bias, and emotion regulation. I aim to apply this understanding to health behavior change and the development of health promotion/intervention programs. I take an applied game design approach to the development of these programs, with the goal of creating game-based programs to improve program sustainability, engagement, and health outcomes.
Concentration Perspectives: One of my favorite things about this program and the Behavioral Science concentration is its interdisciplinary grounding. I get the chance to collaborate with students and faculties with different areas of specialty and also get the chance to take courses in and expand on my own area of specialty while all working towards similar goals (improving health outcomes generally).
Hobbies: Reading, exercise, video games, cooking, spending time with family and friends